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Category: Alternative Superhero Universes

Alternative Superhero Universes 0

Review: Book of Shadows #4

Book of Shadows has been a decent team up book. The conclusion worked for me. It also left me interested in seeing more. It’s a shame we’ve had to wait awhile for the conclusion but it ends satisfyingly. Now all four issues are put I’d say that reading all of them back to back would be of benefit. Either way it’s worth taking a trip on the supernatural side of Valiant.

Alternative Superhero Universes 0

Review: Bloodshot Unleashed #4

“This is a good Bloodshot issue in a short run that is the best take on the character for years. It’s pays homage to the established character with the more thoughtful outlook whilst also delivering on action and violence. It’s a book that deals with trauma, doesn’t shy away from PTSD whilst also delivering classic comic book action. That’s not always an easy balance but is successful here.”

Alternative Superhero Universes 0

Review: Bloodshot Unleashed #2

“There is some truly brilliant stuff in this issue of Bloodshot. The first issue was strong but this second issue not only builds on the first but it builds on the whole character of Bloodshot, his abilities, his past. There are references to the wider Valiant universe too. I was so impressed with the care taken with all of those things too. The writing, art and lettering are solid.”

Alternative Superhero Universes 0

Review: The Book of Shadows #2

This was a very solid second issue that really builds on the first in the best ways. It gives us some answers, deepens the lore a bit more and we learn more about the main nemesis. Still there’s some twists and turns as well and a few surprises along the way. Now the main set up is out of the way I look forward to seeing how our heroes move forward as they seek to defeat the power of The Book of Shadows.