A new Kickstarter from A Wave Blue World!

A Wave Blue World have launched a Kickstarter campaign earlier this week for Dead Beats 2. It’s a 160 page music inspired horror anthology, and perhaps unsurprisingly the sequel to the first Dead Beats anthology (which you can also grab in a couple of tiers).

Edited by Joe Corallo and Eric Palicki, the anthology features over forty creators listed in the image below.

Check out the Kickstarter here

LEGO Comics on the way from Image?

Image announced on Thursday that Skybound Entertainment have partnered with AMEET Publishing for a Lego comic book deal.

The first series from the partnership has been announced for 2022. Although the details are quite vague at this point, here’s what Skybound’s Senior Vice President & Editor-In-Chief Sean Mackiewicz had to say in the press release:

“As a lifelong fan of LEGO toys and content, nothing brings me greater joy than partnering with AMEET on this iconic brand. Each title will be a portal to the endless worlds accessible in every LEGO play session, created to inspire the LEGO builders, readers, and thinkers of tomorrow,”  

“Comic Books form a key component of the LEGO Books publishing strategy to bring LEGO stories to young readers everywhere,” said Eric Huang, Vice President and Publisher at AMEET. “Skybound is the perfect LEGO Books comics partner. They’re as passionate as we are about publishing books that encourage creativity and play.” 

The press release ends by stating that “Skybound’s first venture into the LEGO Group’s vast library of intellectual property will be announced in the coming months.” and to keep an eye on social media for updates.

As you might’ve heard Will and myself discuss on this week’s podcast episode, we’re curious how far LEGO’s licensing deals will enter into the books Image are able to make, it seems unlikely we’ll be seeing LEGO Batman making an appearance in a comic from anyone other than DC Comics, but perhaps it’s too soon to say. Also could this be the first step towards Image LEGO sets, I don’t know about you, but I’d quite like some Walking Dead LEGO.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Humble Bundle

So maybe this isn’t ‘news’ as such, but you might’ve missed it, and it’s something that’s well worth checking out if you’ve got any interest in Boom! Studios ongoing Power Rangers line.

For £17.65 you can get pretty much caught up on five years worth of comics.

Take a look at this sweet deal here.

‘The Literary Tarot’ Charity Kickstarter Campaign

Brink Literacy Project, a nonprofit organisation dedicated to changing the world through storytelling, have launched a Kickstarter campaign for The Literary Tarot. A unique collaboration featuring great authors and artists who will be pairing a tarot card with a well known book that captures the meaning of the arcana. By working with so many great creatives the Brink Literacy Project have tapped into the magic of classic literature to bring a whole new kind of tarot deck to life.  The Literary Tarot deck will feature the complete set of all 78 tarot cards, illustrated with a stunning limited palette and foil accents.

There’s a ridiculous amount of creators involved in the project, so while I recommend checking out the Kickstarter page for full details, here’s a quick list of who’s involved from the comics world.

Chelsea Cain, G. Willow Wilson, Vita Ayala, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Roxane Gay, Kieron Gillen, Marjorie Liu, Mark Millar, Mark Waid, Brian Michael Bendis, Jonathan Hickman, Mariah McCourt, Benjamin Percy, Greg Rucka, Emil Ferris and Tini Howard. With Art by Samantha Dow, Shan Bennion, Ejiwa “Edge” Ebenebe, Isabel Burke and Bradley Clayton.

“Books have always been magical portals to other worlds,” said Brink Literacy Project CEO Dani Hedlund. “In their pages, we unearth countless insights and secrets, inspiration and cautionary tales. Like us, these characters face uncertain futures, Towers rising up in their path or the Wheel of Fortune pushing them toward greater fates. As any great tarot reader knows, we can always change the trajectory of our choices. As we delve into how these classic heroes and villains handle life’s trials and temptations, so too can we divine our own futures.”

Sweet Tooth Arrives On Netflix

Perhaps it’s not the most independent of comics, but as we’ve mentioned on many podcast episodes everyone here at Bigger Than Capes is a big fan of Jeff Lemire.

With that in mind I think I speak for all of us when I say we’ve been pretty excited for Netflix’s adaptation of his Vertigo series Sweet Tooth, which you can check out now, so what’re you waiting for, go do that!

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